How much does it cost to ship a car to California?

Moving Cars from Austin, Texas to Sacramento, California

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Moving from Austin, Texas to Sacramento, California will take you approximately 36 hours. You'll cross over 11 states and move through 4 different time zones. And while the trip can be quite a scenic ride you'd be much better off allowing a car transportation professional handle the moving process. After all, what could be better than arriving in a new place with time to spare and some extra cash in your pocket?


A big draw to our company is the fact that we make car transportation easy. We realize that if you're looking for car transportation that chances are you're in a tumultuous period of your life. And this is true if you're moving your family or even trying to get your classic car cross country to show it off at a show. Either way, you have a lot going on and at the very least what we can do is lessen your burden.

We specialize in worry free car transportation even though we realize that you're going to worry anyway. And that's why we put so much work into our communication and logistic systems. After all worry free service includes more than just doing what's expected of us but it includes going above and beyond what we're asked to do. And we're happy to do it. Ready to try us out? You can start by feeling out free transportation quote form at the top of the page. You won't be disappointed.


There isn't a lot you have to do to ensure a great car transportation experience. The first step is simple and can be achieved just by filling out the free quote form at the top of the page. The form will just require some basic info from you. More than anything this quote is to give you an idea of what to expect cost wise. It's helpful for working the cost into a budget or shopping around. Though word of advice, if you see a price that's seems too good to be true there's a very real chance that it is.

That's because many auto carriers will attempt to lowball their competitors by offering very low rates. Which will seem like a great deal to their customers but if that same carrier receives an order worth more money they will complete that one first. This means that there is a chance your car won't even be picked up because its pick up date keeps getting pushed back further and further in order to make room for shipments that are worth more money. Don't take the chance using a car carrier you can't trust. In the end it could very well cost you more time and money than you bargained for.